Estonia Tallinn Another Perspective of KELMIKÜLA [4K60]

Country: Eesti (Estonia), City: Tallinna (Tallinn), District: Põhja-Tallinn (North Tallinn), Sub-district: Kelmiküla (Rogue Village). Another Perspective of Kelmiküla, basically walking opposite direction from last video and mostly showing the other side of the streets. Timeline of Streets: Filmed with GoPro Hero 10, 4K, 60fps, Lens: Wide, HyperSmooth: Boost, Natural Colors, Monday August 1:st 2022 about 5:55-6:20AM. Tallinn Tallinna Talin Talino Tallina Talinas Tallin Талін Талин Таллин Таллинн Таллінн 塔林 तेलिन タリン 탈린 Estonia Eesti Viro Estoni Estoniya Estonia Estònia Estonija Estonsk...o Estland Estonio Estonie Estlân Észtország Eistland An Eastóin Igaunija Estija Estônia Estónsko Estonija Estonya Estoniýa эстонія Естония Эстония Естонија Эстони Естониа Естонія 爱沙尼亚 एस्तोनिय&
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