Day 1 Baiken Combos

S, 2HS, 236K, S, HS, 41236HS-HS, 66RC, J236S, D S, JC236S, 66RC-HS, S, HS, 41235HS-HS 2K, 2D, 236K, K, 6HS, 41236HS-HS 236K, K, JK, D, Dash, K, D, J236S S, 2HS, 236K, K, JS, D, S, 236236S 41236S (just to connect the line) S, JC236S, 66RC-236K, S, 2HS, 236K, S, 6HS, 41236HS-HS K, 6K(counter hit), S, 2HS, 41236HS-HS, 66RC, Jump Dash 235K, S, HS, 41236HS-HS, 236236S 6HS(counter hit), 236K, 2S, 41236HS-HS, 66RC, Jump Dash, 236K, S, HS, 41236HS-HS, 214214P 6HS(counter hit), K, JS, D, Dash, 236S, 44RC, Dash under, S, 6HS, 41236HS, 214214P D(holding up), K, P, HS, K, P, HS, HS D(holding up) HS, D, S, JS, S #ggs #ggstrive #guiltygear #GGST #baiken Right now I don’t have a proper gaming setup. I’m actually just recording from my PS5 and using SHAREfactory to edit my videos. I’m also using a mic and the audio isn’t that good but it’s good enough for now. Eventually I will get a true gaming setup and have quality content for you guys. Thank
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