Half And Half - Some Queer “Shots“ (1930)

“The other day Eve cast a glance at New York in 1920, and somehow things seemed a bit queer - “ High angle shot of a New York street - the film is sped up so that traffic and pedestrians seem to rush around really quickly. A street level shot of people crossing a street is slowed, stopped, speeded up and reversed. “I’m sure we never walked like this, my dear - and yet the camera cannot lie!“ Slow motion footage of people crossing the street. “Funny things happened 10 years ago.“ Very high angle shot of New York street. Trick effects are used to show cars and buses appearing from nowhere. A mirror image effect is used for trick effect - both sides of the screen show the same scene but as a mirror image of each other. “We wouldn’t deceive you for worlds - you’ll have to consult an Optician!“ Another trick is used whereby the screen is split in two, the top part of the image remains stationary whilst the bottom part is “slid“. Tops of buildings remain stationary whilst a camera pan gives t
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