Performance recorded live on 14 January 2022 for the Boston Clavichord Society by Zen Grisdale using two clavichords by Andreas Hermert.
Prelude Giles Farnaby (c1563-1640)
Sonata in C major, K. 72, L. 401 Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757)
Fantasia (FVB, no. 52) William Byrd (c1540-1623)
Toccata in G major, BuxWV 164 Dietrich Buxtehude (c1637-1707)
Aria: Rofilis, BuxWV 248
Canzona in G minor, BuxWV 173
Lamento sopra la dolorosa perdita della Real Maestà di Ferdinando IV Rè de Romani (1654, pub. 1656), FbWV 612 (Lament on the sad loss of his Royal Majesty Ferdinand IV, King of the Romans) Johann Jacob Froberger (1616-67)
Fretted clavichord (Berlin MIM 2160) made by Andreas Hermert, Berlin-Friedenau, 2019.
Fantasia. Abstract 1: Scorpio (2021) Hugh Collins Rice
‘French’ Suite in B minor, BWV 814 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Adagio from Sonata in D minor, BWV 964 J.S. Bach
Unfretted Clavichord after Johann Emanuel Schön, 1748 (Museum Viadrina in Frankfurt, Oder) made by Andreas Hermert, Berlin-Friedenau, 2020.
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