Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie applauds courage of refugees in India
NEW DELHI, India, November 6 (UNHCR) On a weekend visit to refugees, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie met Afghan and Burmese women who told her how they fled persecution in their homelands and found safety in India.
Relaxed and informal, dressed in jeans and a UNHCR tee shirt, Jolie also sat down on the floor to play with refugee children, commiserated with a hard-working single mother and chatted with teenagers about the joys and challenges of learning a foreign language.
“I am grateful to the refugee families who spent time with me and shared their stories,“ Jolie said. “They are remarkable, courageous people.“
On Saturday, the actress visited the UNHCR Women’s Protection Clinic in west Delhi, a place where refugee women from Myanmar can come and air their problems in a safe environment.
Interviews at the clinic also enable UNHCR to better help the women by