🐍 🐭The Adventures of the Snouse

Check out more at “The Adventures of the Snouse“ In a land of fun and wonderful hues, Lived a quirky creature, let’s share the news. A Snouse it was called, a sight to behold, Half snake and half mouse, not fearful but bold. With a tail long and twisty, a sight quite grand, And tiny whiskers, the cutest in the land. Its eyes sparkled like stars in the night, Slithering and scurrying, oh what a sight! In the village of Bumble, under skies so fair, The Snouse found adventures, here, there, and everywhere. Brave and ever so curious, with a nose for fun, It sought new mysteries, never stopping to run. One sunny morning, the Snouse set out, To explore new places, to skip and to scout. Past the giggling brooks and the singing trees, It ventured into Meadowland, feeling the breeze. In Meadowland, where the flowers danced, The Snouse made friends, completely entranced. There was Bella the but
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