10 MIN INNER THIGH - Floor only, Low Impact / chilled, slow & effective I Pamela Reif
You can almost stay lazy for this workout! :D No squats, no sweat, no standing up ♥️ / Werbung
This routine targets the inner part of the top of your legs = the INNER THIGHS.
▸ You might think they are a bit wobbly & hard to target during normal leg days. That’s normal!! It’s a small muscle that is usually secondary.
▸ With slow and concentrated exercises, we can wake up those muscles & make them more tight and toned :)
▸ You will also train them more effectively, if you continue with additional leg workouts afterwards.
▸ This also works amazing as a „finisher“ after your leg day. To make sure those inner thighs will be soooore tomorrow!
PS: I filmed this workout completely on my own! My mind was busy with „s**t I hope the focus is still correct“ & „its so windy I cannot hear the beep“ :D :D the video turned out nice though, lucky me!!
➞ my Pam App ♥️ Free workout
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