Speed Paint - Dawn Howl

I really missed drawing Konvee.. I haven’t even Doodled her in my notebooks for such a long time TT^TT I am happy that I did again a drawing with her.. I missed her so damn much.. :( Everything started with a dream. I remember a dream I saw (It must be about 4-5 days ago? I am not sure.. maybe more). Konvee (which means me lol) was running up to an extremely high Hill. The hill was.. like it was built by humans, and It was mostly looking like the Maya’s Pyramid Temples but in the top of the hill was an empty Area. Konvee was running as fast as she could to reach the top of the hil before the sun sets (I still don’t know the reason, I am truing to figure this out XD). When she reached the top, she got in the middle of the emty Area. Then, the ground started to have termors (like an earthquake but the termor was only around the area that Konvee was) and then she jumped up high and she saw a fissure crashing the ground. When she touched the ground again (because of gravity, she can’t
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