the market world awaits Your products

Lies of business against currency secrets. A short recipe for the crisis. As much real product as possible. As little contact with toxic money as possible. Investing but only in yourself. And a waiting patiently for new honest money. Good cryptocurrencies are never bad. We’re not saying - No. However, there is something better. A good brand of its own. Create whatever brand you want. With the weirdest name. Build it. Nurture it. Abandon - when you need to. And build again. Your own brand is the best currency. New dollar. On strong reliable foundations. Honest and renewed. Maybe something different. Time will tell. For now, it is Your commodity that is the World’s best currency. patient and consistent Fyritøkan liggur ímóti loynidómum loynidómum. Ein stutta uppskrift til kreppuna. So nógv veruliga product sum gjørligt. So lítið samband við eitrandi pengar sum gjørligt. At seta teg/tykkum bara sjálvan/sj&
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