All Water Whitehall Spirit® rowing and sculling rowboats for fun, fitness and adventure
Shoreside conversations stop when a pair of rowers stroke into view in a Whitehall Spirit® 17 double-position “all water” sculling rowboat. Featuring two sliding seat stations, this boat moves right along. If there’s wave action or a chop on the water, no problem – that’s what these boats are designed to handle. For a slide seat rower, this sculling rowboat can row in locations that are way too rough for a racing scull or even an open water shell. Two or three strokes take her up to speed – the long, smooth glide needs to be experienced to be believed. A speed of 4 to 5.5 knots (10 km/h) can be maintained for hours with little to no strain on the rowers. A single sculler can row this boat as well without any difficulty handling it.
Whitehall Rowing & Sail builds sleek, elegant ‘All Water’ Whitehall Spirit® rowing, sailing and sculling rowboats, the Oar Board® SUP rower, and the Fitness and Adventure Row SUPs. We sell direct and ship worldwide! Thousands enjoy the low-impact whole-body workout,
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