The phenomenon of ALLATRA as an international self-organizing public movement which is unique in the world. Why, how and on what values do people unite all over the world, regardless of nationality, social status and place of residence? Who are the people of ALLATRA? Where does ALLATRA’s money come from? What is the secret of ALLATRA’s success, and what is its essence? Answers to rumours and conjectures regarding what ALLATRA is: “a global geopolitical movement”, “a global civil movement”, “a new religion”, “cosmopolites”, “a world sect”, “a project of secret services of various countries”, “Soros’ project”, “a project of aliens”, and so on. What does every person actually strive for inside? What is the secret of humaneness? Why is the time of life valuable for a person? The freedom of choice. In this video, the following questions are discussed: - Why did the prophets of various religions simultaneously talk about the flourishing of humankind (the Creative Society) and the golden millennium, but at the s
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