I can’t believe it had taken me this long to get to the Freeman Footage, which has been in my top 5 favorite examples of bigfoot evidence for years. In this video, I will show the footage, go over the circumstances behind it, the man himself, and the interaction’s between Freeman and other more ’main stream’ participants in the field. Paul Freeman played a significant role in capturing a certain young PhD’s interest in this field.
Yes it’s grainy and nondescript, but for 1994, I frankly think this film exceeds expectations for a commercial grade camcorder.
Huge shout out to MK Davis, he is truly the unsung hero of the bigfoot world. There are other hero’s of course, but they are sung aplenty.
MK Davis’ Channel: @Greenwave2010fb
Davis’s analysis:
Link to Freeman’s posthumous book (NOT an affiliate link): =sr_1_1?crid=1LZNIG5VXB9Y&keywords=paul freeman bigfoot&qid=1697196797&sprefix=paul freeman bigfoot,aps,144&sr=8-1
Intro and outro by the incredible Fred Dunn: @dredfunn
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8 years ago 00:11:53 383
The Freeman Chronicles
8 years ago 00:01:34 24.2K
Teaser: The Freeman Chronicles
12 years ago 00:02:38 35
13 years ago 00:00:20 183
Meet The Freeman
5 years ago 00:02:01 54
Mr. Freeman, the end
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What is Next for Gordon Freeman - The State of Half-Life