@Ian_Eastwood | KUBSKOUTZ/MWC-(ANNOUNCEMENT!) | “Wanna Be Good | @ryanleslie

ITS OFFICIAL I WILL BE GETTING DOWN WITH MOS WANTED CREW ON ABDC SEASON 7 The official announcement video will be going on mos wanted’s channel with the rest of the crew but i wanted to make my own announcement video as well to make sure i reach all of my supporters and subscribers to vote for us while we are on ABDC this season AND I also wanted to give the world a better copy and an official video for this piece “wanna be good“ this piece isn’t new I choreographed it in the fall and there have only been bootleg copies of it floating around hahah. And I realized I never released this piece myself so I decided to record it real quick after rehearsal today with the boys! 6 days until we go on lockdown so wish me us luck! I also have stock piled a few class solos for pieces i have never released before so that i cant still be active on my youtube account while we are on the show---so no fear! :) Really hope you guys enjoy this am a huge fan of ryan i have a
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