D-1 to college entrance exam in S. Korea first Suneung exam with no COVID-19 prevention rules
오늘 수능 예비소집 코로나 확진자와 같이 시험 본다 준비물 및 주의사항은?
Korea is counting down one day to its annual College Scholastic Ability Test better known as Suneung here in the country and our Lee Eun-jin goes over some of things to consider ahead of the big day tomorrow.
On Wednesday, some 504-thousand-588 students preparing to take the annual college admissions exam can visit their test site and confirm their elective test subjects.
The exam that is seen as deciding students’ futures, will be conducted on Thursday across 1,279 test centers, which are normally designated high schools or middle schools.
According to the Ministry of Education, not only is there a significant decrease in the number of registered test takers this year, at 3,442 less than last year, but only 64-point-7 percent of the test takers are high school seniors.
Rather, 31-point-7 percent are re-taking the exam, marking the highest proportion of re-takes in 28 years.
The testing centers will open at 6:30 AM on Thursday, and students can enter until 10 minutes past 8 AM.
This is the fourth Suneung exam since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic but the first where no virus prevention rules will be implemented and all students at a venue will be taking the exam in the same room.
But the Education Ministry has recommended that anyone confirmed to have the virus should wear a K-94 mask, and anyone with symptoms should wear a K-80 mask.
The ministry added that test takers who have the virus should eat lunch in a separate area.
All test takers must enter their designated testing centers with their exam identification slip and official form of identification.
To avoid confusion or mishaps on the morning of the exam, students are strongly recommended to check the location of their test center on the previous day.
The only items that students are allowed to bring into the exam are black computer marking pens, white correction tape, a black mechanical pencil and extra point-five millimeter lead, and an eraser.
Those that wish to use a watch may wear an analog watch that doesn’t have a Bluetooth function, including communication and payment functions, and doesn’t have an LCD or LED display.
And all electronic devices are prohibited. This includes all mobile phones, smart devices, earphones with Bluetooth functions, electronic dictionaries or calculators, as well as electronic cigarettes.
With just one day left until the Suneung exam, students are recommended to limit consumption of caffeinated drinks
and to get a good night’s sleep to be in their best condition.
Lee Eunjin, Arirang News.
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2023-11-15, 14:00 (KST)
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