Vegan Keto Diet - What I Eat In A Day | Dr Mona Vand

Guys - use this link to get 50% off match reserve for the next 24 hours! After that - 40% off for one whole month :) This video shares what you can eat in a day for a HEALTHY KETOGENIC diet. CHIA SEED PUDDING:  •2 cups unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk. •1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes •1 tsp pure vanilla extract. •1/3 cup chia seeds •stevia to taste *Add chia seeds, nut milk, vanilla, and stevia to mason jar, shake, and place in fridge for 2-12 hours. Remove when ready to eat and top with coconut flakes SPIRULINA SMOOTHIE:  •1/2 banana (frozen)  •unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk •1-2 tsp spirulina •vanilla (optional) *add all ingredients to blender and blend TEMPEH BOWL: •Tempeh  •Clean tomato sauce (low/sodium -free) •Parmilla vegan cheese •Nutritional Yeast •Chia Seeds (optional) •Any non-starchy vegetables- zucchini, mushrooms, peppers, etc
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