I Am A Hero Official Trailer

In Shaw Theatres 20 October 2016 (Thurs) - A mysterious virus suddenly spreads throughout Japan causing widespread panic. People infected with the virus rapidly transform into zombie-like creatures and are called ZQN (pronounced zokyun). The ZQN then attack people with superhuman strength and their victims eventually become ZQN as well. Hideo Suzuki (Yo Oizumi大泉洋), a 35-year-old manga artist, happens to meet a female high school student, Hiromi Hayakari (Kasumi Arimura有村架纯). They escape from the city together, despite Hayakari being bitten by a baby ZQN. However, the baby ZQN that bit her did not have teeth, resulting in her being half ZQN. The pair then meets Nurse Yabu (Masami Nagasawa长泽雅美) at a shelter. Yabu hopes she can draw an antibody from Hayakari.
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