Controlled Death (Japan) - Dirge for the Departed (Demo 2022)

The 4th release this year from Maso Yamazaki’s most incredibly prolific and haunted moniker in the past three years. Now presenting his morbid omens as a pure Dark Ambient release, Maso fully concretizes the evolution and sound he seemed to be gravitating towards in recent releases like the last demo, “Music for the Death Cult Church“, or last year’s extraordinary full-length, “Hymn to Eternal Death“. “Dirge for the Departed“ sees now an absence of the Power Electronics, Death Industrial elements and gutter vocalizations that were also present in previous releases, resorting solely on Maso’s simplistic yet deeply disquieting “funeral organs“ to convey an atmosphere that goes beyond this realm, projecting the astral body into heinous dimensions where no soul lives at peace. Released on tape and digital formats via Deathbed Tapes. Deathbed Tapes:
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