Clavicle (collarbone) - the Upper Limb bone anatomy for artists

In this video, we learn about Clavicle - the collarbone. Visual Artists are visual thinkers. Anatomy for artists needs to be visual and empowering. So we make it that way. Our website - Bones of the upper limbs can be divided into four groups: • Shoulder - Scapula, and Clavicle • Arm - Humerus • Forearm - Ulna, and Radius • Hand - Carpal b., Metacarpal b and Phalanges (Proximal Medial Distal) Clavicle topography - acromial end - connects to the acromial process - the scapula (with a scapulo-clavicular joint). The sternal end connects to the chest bone, aka sternum (with a sterno-clavicula...r joint). The Clavicle form is relatively complicated. That is why Uldis simplified this bone to understand better it’s form and it’s creation. Looking into the morphology and physiology. With simplified models - geometrical primitives. Additionally, a lot of tips on Clavicle - the cupids bow, it’s angles, it’s visibility, and much more! We are going to go through all of these and more! T
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