Strange and Mysterious 8000-Year-Old Paleolithic Burials Baffle Anthropologists

Remarkably, 8,000-Year-Old human skulls impaled on wooden Stakes were Discovered in a Mysterious Underwater Grave in Sweden. According to a new study, the discovery of a burial containing 8,000-year-old battered human skulls, including two with pointed wooden stakes through them, has baffled archaeologists. It’s difficult to make sense of the discovery: The grave would have been at the bottom of a small lake during the Stone Age, so the skulls would have been placed underwater. Furthermore, only one of the remains of at least 11 adults placed on top of the grave had a jawbone, according to the researchers. There were no jaw bones in any of the human skulls. One human jaw bone was discovered at the site, but it was unrelated to any of the skulls. Other jawbones were found in the burial, but none of them were human, with the exception of an infant’s. Archaeologists discovered various animal bones while excavating the site, including dismembered jawbones, arms, and legs (all from the r
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