Zhai Xiaowen ft. FrankiD-Signs of You | Official MV (Falling Into Your Smile OSTCK)

Zhai Xiaowen (ft. FrankiD) sings the theme song “Signs of You“ for Team CK from drama series Falling Into Your Smile. The song smoothly transitions between vocals and rap, maintaining an upbeat melody. Some things just won’t go back to the way they were, so rather than holding onto lingering memories, let’s put on a smile and move on. Throughout the ups and downs, let our passion for love and dreams remain unchanged. 🎬 Produced by NSMG and YOUKU, Falling Into Your Smile is now streaming on YOUKU, WeTV, Astro TV, LINE TV and more. 《漾》是由新湃传媒出品的青春偶像甜宠剧《你微笑时很美》CK战队曲,由国际知名音乐团队打造,林乔、刘恩汛、王天放作词,翟潇闻(Feat:王天放)演唱。打破音乐界限的合作,唱腔风格相斥亦相吸,RAP与副歌流畅转换,融为酣畅听感冲击。年少时的心动在时光中渐行渐远,最终融入星辰大海,成为触不可及的遗憾。明快曲风冲淡伤感,从不甘到释然,以轻松姿态接受挫败。错过的已无法挽回,流连回忆不如笑着离开,对爱与梦想的热忱从未更改。 🌎 “Falling Into Your Smile OST“ album is now out on global streaming platforms: ▶️iTunes: ▶️Apple Music: ▶️Spotify: ▶️YouTube Music: ▶️Amazon Music: ▶️JOOX: ▶️MelOn: ▶️KKBOX: ▶️NAVER VIBE: ▶️ZING: ▶️Genie: ▶️MOOV: ▶️FLO: ▶️LINE MUSIC (TW): ▶️MyMusic: ▶️friDay Music: Follow for more “Falling Into Your Smile“ updates: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Weibo: _ Follow NSMG: Shop our merch: #ZhaiXiaowen #翟潇闻 #你微笑时很美 #FallingIntoYourSmile
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