The Big Daddy Grotesque Restructuring Process of Bioshock Explored | Adam Gene Alterations Explained

Considering Rapture if literally located within the dark zones of the Ocean, the key is, there is no light, its cold, and the pressure is immense from all the water and atmosphere above. Because of this, people would have to don thick diving suits in order to sink down to the bottom of the sea floor and begin setting up foundational shafts to construct the city. Over time however, with the human form and all its flaws, an idea was hatched, incorporate the diving suit into the human form so no longer would they have to contend with the struggles of sea floor life. Thus the Big Daddies were created. The process to do so however, was less than ideal. So in todays episode, we will discuss what this process was and how it affected the person in the suit! Thank you for watching Roanoke Gaming and I hope you enjoy The Big Daddy Grotesque Restructuring Process of Bioshock Explored | Adam Gene Alterations Explained ***SECOND CHANNEL*** *
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