Longboarding: Loaded Fattail

The Loaded Pintail passed on and has been replaced with the Fattail--now available at select shops worldwide. The Pintail held a special place in our hearts since its release in June 2004, but we’ve learned a lot since then and we’ve given it a gluttonous makeover for the sake of versatility and performance. This chunky little monkey now features a wider and more refined cambered/concave standing platform, two truck options, a nominal nose kick and a functional if corpulent kicktail. Designed for parking garages, pumping, freestyle, a bit of freeride, commuting and eating tubs of rocky road. Because as we all know, she gotta pack much back. Comes in 3 Flexes... Flex 3 the softest and Flex 1 the stiffest. Length: 38“ / Width: “ / 22cm Wheelbase (Inner): 26.5“ / Wheelbase (Outer): 27.4“ / Weight: deck only: /
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