[Sims 2 ALL Monsters] Man’s Fire: Witch Genie Bigfoot Plantsim Werewolf Servo Vampire Zombie Alien

Man’s Fire (Simlish Metal Music Video): ALL Creatures from ALL Sims2 Expansion Packs, an All-In-One Hybrid (Alien-Zombie-Vampire-Werewolf-Plantsim-Witch). A normal sim cannot turn into a Servo (Robot), Bigfoot or Genie, and vice versa. This video itself is “Machinima-Gameplay Hybrid“, NOT a “how-to“. *READ BEFORE COMMENTING - VIDEO FAQ*: how to get lightsabers, who are the other not-so-playable, not-quite-monster sims, HOW TO MAKE ALL THE CREATURES in your game. All your answers at this page: h
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