Hollyleaf - Sober (Warriors AMV)

P!nk - Sober Made using MS Paint, and Photoshop at some points to blur things. Wow, I actually finished a full length video in less then a year! 8D I’m proud of myself. Plenty of pictures and animations in this that I hate, buuut I’m too lazy to redo them... YouTube fawk the quality up a bunch. Aaaaand, I know the effects can make your eyes hurt, but there’s only so much you can do in Paint and Windows Movie Maker. :I Please don’t bother to comment about the anatomy, I don’t totaly suck at it, (I’m not great, but this video is just a poor excuse of what I can do), but I would have never gotten this done if I didn’t do a poor job on some stuff. XD Also, I hate Ashfur, so don’t bother with the stupid “HOW COULD SHE HAVE DONE THAT B’AWWWWWW“
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