How to Make Better Rotis—The secret behind soft rotis/phulkas that stay soft even when cold

How to make roti: Rooti, or roti, is a relatively new entrant to the Bengali kitchen. Wheat being a staple in the Northern parts of India, rotis, chapatis, and phulkas are the mainstay. In Bengal because the main crop is paddy, the staple has always been rice. It is only in the last 50 years that Bengalis have started eating rotis. Rotis are more popular as breakfast or dinner. For breakfast, rooti is served mashed with milk and a fruit such as banana (doodh-ruti-kola), or with a torkari. For dinner, ruti is usually served with a protein such as egg or chicken curry, or with a thick dal. Another reason for the popularity of rotis in Bengal is its convenience as tiffin or lunchbox item for school or office. Ruti-torkari is less prone to leakage and fewer items are required to eat roti than rice (at least for Bengalis). __ 🥘 RECIPE WITH INGREDIENT LIST 📝 __ 🔪CURIOUS ABOUT OUR KITCHEN POTS & PANS? 🍳 https://bongeats.c
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