Subharmonicon & Chance [Ableton Live 11 + Hardware]

Song also available at Bandcamp: I wanted to give my new acquisition the Moog Subharmonicon a test and after two initial setups/approaches this is what I landed on. A combination with some new stuff in Ableton Live 11. The chance in the title refers to the new function in the midi-editor that you can put a % value on midi notes. So this is what is happening with the drums that have been pre-programmed. They have somewhere between 90% and 35% to trigger. All drum samples comes from Lullatone’s new sample set ”Domestic Drums”: Another chance element is using the new Max for Live device ”Tree Tone” that comes in the ”Inspired by Nature” pack of devices: I’m using the rain feature and controlling the amount of rain and speed with the Midi Fighter Twister. Which is also
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