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Hi! My name is Igor Sakharov. I record covers and original songs and edit videos by myself at home. Leave a comment,
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Freezing ice on my lips
Fate is looking right through me
This is where the story ends
There’s no turning back
I’m forever alone
A heavenly gift
Cruelest of all
Life and death are but two words
That don’t mean much to me
In my dreams I’d foresee
Wars and catastrophes
And then I’d speak to the crowd
In dirty city squares
But a prophet in their eyes
Is but a sorcerer in disguise
I spoke the truth
I warned them all
But no one seemed to care
Let me be reborn
Out of light and water
Let me live without
Knowing what’s to come
I will leave behind
All things otherworldly
Let me be reborn
And have this life undone
Knowledge and insight into things
A heavy burden placed on me
I’ve given it up as if my purpose
Wasn’t set in stone
There’s one thing I wish I’d known
That in a dark and hopeless world
One might mistake the candlelight
For the glowing sun
Let me be reborn
Out of light and water
Let me live without
Knowing what’s to come
I will leave behind
All things otherworldly
Let me be reborn
And have this life undone
Freezing ice on my lips
Fate is looking right through me
Life and death are but two words
That don’t mean much to meShow more