Cold turkey (Thanksgiving’s idiom) Learn English idioms with meanings, pictures, and examples

Cold turkey (Thanksgiving’s idiom) Learn English idioms with meanings, pictures, and examples Hey there, it’s time for another round of idiom4YOU! 🎉 Today’s star is the idiom:  “Cold turkey“ 🦃 Not sure what it means? No worries, we’ve got you covered 🤓 Practice makes perfect! 💯 So share your own sentence using this idiom in the comments and I will check! 📝😉 Thanks for joining, and have an awesome day! 🌟 Email: idiom4YOU@ Instagram: @idio4YOU Twitter: @idiomForYOU #Cold_turkey #ColdTurkey #idioms #LearnEnglish #idiom4YOU #Thanksgiving_idioms #turkey #ExpressionExplained #SpeakEnglish #EnglishLearningVideos #EnglishIdioms #idiomDefinition #idiomaticExpressions #idiomsExamples #idiomsInTVseries
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