【MAD/AMV】Girls und Panzer Red army is the strongest! (Красная Армия всех сильней)

各位Youtube的观众朋友们大家好! 我是JACK_MIHO_HUANG,也可以叫我西住美穂様(这是我的哔哩哔哩现在的昵称) 哔哩哔哩传送门 我是来自中国的一位MAD/AMV制作者 这次开通油管频道就是为了解决我在哔哩哔哩MAD被他人上载到Youtube的各种麻烦 这次的MAD是红军最强大 请勿搬运至哔哩哔哩,到其他网站请取得授权 授权请求发送到:jackmihohuang@ Hello everyone at Youtube! I AM JACK_MIHO_HUANG,you can also find me called 西住美穂様(NISHIZUMI MIHO SAMA)at Bilibili. I am an Chinese MAD titles are in chinese. Today I open my channel to reduce the trouble of re-uploading. This MAD is about the red army is the strongest. If you want to re-upload to other sites,please contact this mail for authorization: jackmihohuang@ Origin: NOTICE:THE ORIGINAL LINK’S UP...LOADER IS ALSO ME! I changed the watermark and ending since I have the origin project file. NOTICE AGAIN:NO RE-UPLOADING TO OTHER SITES WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION!! I really hope you can enjoy this video and give me more advice, Suscribe if you like!
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