Gloomhaven | Shelfside Review

After completing the campaign, it’s finally time to review the current #1 board game! Gloomhaven is a gargantuan euro-inspired dungeon crawler designed by Cephalofair Games’ Isaac Childres. Sporting one of the biggest board game kickstarters of all times, only to be succeeded by Frosthaven, Gloomhaven has come a long way with its card based combat. With a plethora of highly asymmetric abilities and mechanics from each class, Gloomhaven promises nearly endless replayability with its absurd amount of tabletop components. It’s a double edged sword though, as physically setting up and organizing a Gloomhaven board game night might take a while compared to other games. Support us on Patreon: Purchase Games We’ve Reviewed! (Paid Link) Table of Contents: Intro/How to Play - (0:00) Looks/Component Pros - (4:11) Story/Campaign Pros - (5:53) Gameplay Pros - (11:03) Community Pros - (24:29)
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