GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit NEW YORK: WELCOME TO QUEEN MOTHER Full Description: AMERICA. Staying at Wave Hill private residence of Sir Pierson Dixon the Q/mother spent most of her time during her 3 weeks visit to. CAMERAMEN & CAMERAS. Shots of Q/Mother o/b Liner Q/Eliz. in New York Harbour CATS Shot of Q/Mother’s 3 weeks visit to . ELIZABETH THE Queen Mother On the first stage of her visit to the . On the bridge of the Q/Eliz. (liner) shots battery of the Verandan grill of were New York’s civic dignitaries & others shakes hand of ships Comm. Ivan Thompson says good during her stay in America at Wave Hill resident of Sir Pierson Dixon c.u. speech. NEW YORK. During her first stage of 3 weeks to Q/Mother stayed at Wave Hill private resident of Sir Pierson Dixon various interior shots of interior including drawing &
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