0:00 \1. Introduction to JS bootcamp.
1:01 \3. Bootcamp agenda
3:03 \4. Meet your instructor
7:48 \5. Component based design
11:44 history & ECMA\1. The creator of JavaScript
13:39 history & ECMA\2. ECMAScript specification
25:22 history & ECMA\3. ES 2015 ES6 features
27:20 history & ECMA\4. Introducing JavaScript
31:38 & engines\1. The JavaScript runtime engine
35:26 & engines\2. The web browsers & engines
40:11 & engines\3. The almighty V8 engine
46:47 types in JS\1. A Walkthrough of data types in JavaScript
55:25 in JS\1. A Walkthrough of operators in JavaScript
1:13:39 & hoisting\1. The Lexical scope & compiler passes
1:27:20 & hoisting\2. The concept of Hoisting
1:30:47 \1. Understand functions to become an expert in JS
1:32:25 \2. A walkthrough of functions in JavaScript
1:38:01 mechanism\1. What is a prototype
1:55:00 important concepts\1. Call, Apply and Bind methods
2:02:36 important concepts\2. Immediately Invoked Function Expressions ( IIFE ) pattern
2:08:31 important concepts\3. Is JavaScript single-threaded
2:13:37 important concepts\4. The Event loop
2:26:08 important concepts\5. A walkthrough of Google chrome dev tools
2:29:39 \1. Introducing String methods
2:30:53 \2. A walkthrough of static & prototype string methods
2:57:23 \3. You need a cheat sheet for reference
2:59:40 \4. A cheat-sheet of string methods
3:02:48 \1. Introducing Array methods
3:03:38 \2. A Walkthrough of all Array methods
3:41:17 \3. A cheat-sheet of array methods
3:41:39 \4. Why is array performance important
3:44:02 \5. Performance of Array methods
3:49:23 modules\1. Static and Dynamic Importing
4:05:02 JS\1. Callbacks and Promises in JS
4:24:43 \1. What are Closures
4:32:16 notes\2. Congratulations on completing JS Bootcamp