Summing Up No. 06 - Reel 1 (1947)

A Quarterly Chronicle of Current Events. Produced by the Pathe Documentary Unit. Fourth Quarter 1947. Massive crowds watch Pope Pius XII giving New Year Blessing in Rome, Italy. Bethlehem: religious rituals, destroyed buildings. United Nations decide that Palestine to be split into Arab and Jewish states. Map showing partition. Celebrations by Jewish people for birth of Israel, dancing and flag waving. Arabs arm themselves for Holy War. Conflict on the streets, fighting, fires etc in Jerusalem. London: conference in London for foreign ministers regarding the German peace treaty. Arrival of George Marshall, American Secretary of State. Shots of Ernest Bevin. Shots of Molotov. The people of European countries affected by war consider political affinities. The ballot box returns - election scenes across Europe. Civil unrest. Police and civilians clash. Troops on the march in Greece. Conflict of creeds. Brighton, East Sussex: Winston Churchill and other Tory leaders as Conservative Party
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