The Buhurt Prime 2022. The tournament that never happened.
The telling about the tournament which never happened, but still happened.
Buhurt Prime 2022 is a clash of the top 10 teams in the world. The strongest fighters from Russia, Europe and the USA were preparing to cross blades and test each other’s armor for strength.
For two years, iron sports fans have been waiting for the return of the final confrontation. It was scheduled for February 26th.
On February 25 it became clear that there would be no tournament.
Russian version (Русская версия)
All rights to the logo, brand, social networks and achievements of the Buhurt league, belong to Artem Vasilev (@)
Max Yun
“Bern“ Club
“Old friends“ team
Time codes:
00:00:00 Intro
00:03:14 KSR
00:07:18 Grimaldi Milites
00:17:20 Bear Paw
00:21:22 Cerberus Emissus
00:27:35 Outro
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