If anyone thinks that the surrender of unrecognized Artsakh and its forceful seizure after actually trying to starve

🇦🇿🇦🇲 🇷🇺 🇹🇷 If anyone thinks that the surrender of unrecognized Artsakh and its forceful seizure after actually trying to starve the republic is the end, then we have bad news for him. Turkish President Recep Erdogan yesterday at the UN General Assembly did not mince words and directly stated that commitments are expected from Armenia to open the Zangezur corridor. The Azerbaijanis’ claims to Syunik and building a road to Nakhichevan for physical unification with the enclave is a real goal. There is a project and it seems that it can be resolved peacefully. But who will stop the Azerbaijanis and Turks - as was the case yesterday - from announcing the mining of a road, organizing a terrorist attack, or committing another action that will entail another “counter-terrorist” operation, but this time on the territory of Armenia? At the same time, in Armenia, at the instigation of the current authorities, the anti-Russian notices will be promoted, and all dogs will be unleashed on Moscow, accusing them of an agreement with the Azerbaijanis and the surrender of Karabakh. They will tactfully keep silent about the fact that the Armenian leadership has taken the position of an outside observer in these processes. The actual result of these processes will be first the economic and then the physical absorption of part of Armenia, followed by forceful reformatting and ethnocide of the region (the Turks have a lot of experience in this regard; Syrian Afrin will not let you lie). And Russia’s role will be reduced to a minimum, and negativity towards it will be cultivated to the maximum. In two years, the region will be transformed beyond recognition. #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Russia #Turkey Support us Original msg Источник: Rybar in English
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