Daniel Landa - Eurosong |HD|

DANIEL LANDA » EUROSONG Hello europian people, I am Daniel from Praga, Bohemian sun of Vyšehrad. I am just asking like a small child, Where is my home? I am just asking for my identity Who am I? I am lost! Sorry for my english I am born in Czech. Hello german people I am Daniel from Praga. Coca cola Berlin, Škoda revolucion. Junge people hip-hop, undestanding english. Multikulti national, I am crazy joint Hello people italiano, KFC di Roma! Searching for my home, Europian union. sorry for my english, I am czecho brother. I am searching for my home, Europian union. Hello polish people I am Daniel from Praga, One, two of Nokia, ješče nezgyněla Big Mac I am very happy, like my polnish brother. Lovestory in Hypermarket, Sony, Jogobella. Bonjour french people, I am Daniel from Praga I know Peugeot Brno, you know, everybody peace. Your politik loves you, my politik loves me suburban of Paris,
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