UFO over Boise, Idaho.

Witness description: “Went outside and was looking at the sky, it was perfectly clear, no clouds. I saw something glow in broad daylight, so I watched. It hovered for some time before slowly drifting around and changed shape. Most of the time I saw a cigar shape, but a couple of times it morphed into a more triangle shape. Stopping from time to time, spinning around, then moving again in straight lines. It stopped and spun, then moved for about 20 minutes before we lost it in the sun.“ Source: mufon Filmed in Boise, Idaho. 9/20/2020, 4:47 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: More UFO videos: Recommended video: Incredible UFO over Cuba. Other playlists: UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2024, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, Flying saucer, OVNI 2024
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