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Always a pleasure to spend time in the company of George Hearn from UDO Audio, and especially as he brought the production ready Super Gemini poly synth with him.
The Super Gemini is now officially shipping, units are leaving the buillding and soon the 20 voice (10 in binaural mode) FPGA oscillator equipped synth will be making its way into the hands of those lucky folks whov’e ordered one.
Two FPGA oscillators per voice, (with 3rd trackable LFO), Analogue filter, analogue VCA with two discrete synth layers that can be played in two 5 voice each (binaural oscillator mode), or 10 voice per synth, each with discrete controls and chorus/delay FX.
In the hands of George it sounds wonderful, - in fact if you are an upper tier supporter, we’ve posted some additional playing in another post to whet your whistle.
Its not cheap, ut you do get a heck of a lot of synthesizer for your money..
Super Gemini is shipping and available now priced at £3799 from all good retailers.
#soniclab #udoaudio #supergemini
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