Motty Steinmetz, Yedidim Choir “Rosh Hashanah Medley“ Aaron Teitelbaum Productions | מוטי שטיינמץ

Motty Steinmetz & Yedidim Choir Singing “Rosh Hashanah Medley“ The Schapira-Scharf wedding was held Tuesday September 6 2016 at Ateres Avrohom Hall in Williamsburg. Music was performed by the Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra & Productions Conducted by Maestro Yisroel Lamm with keyboardist Meir Adler, as well as singers Shloime Daskal, Isaac Honig and Motty Steinmetz. accompanied by the Yedidim Choir The chosson, Akiva Schapira, is a grandson of the previous Sadigura Rebbe, the Ikvei Abirim zt”l. He is a son of Rav and Mrs. Pinchos Schapira, rov of the Sadigura Shul in Tel Aviv. The kallah is a great-granddaughter of the previous Sadigura Rebbe, the Ikvei Abirim zt”l. She is a daughter of Rav Shlomo Scharf, who is a son of Rav and Mrs. Shmuel Scharf of Boro Park, the Ikvei Abirim’s son-in-law and daughter. An Aaron Teitelbaum Production To Hire Motty Steinmatz For Ur Next Simcha Please Call Ruvi Banet 011972-52-832-9090 or by email ruvibannet@ 
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