MTG Arena: Rainbow Gate Lich with Ali Aintrazi [Bo1 Format]

1 Swamp (XLN) 268 4 Gateway Plaza (GRN) 247 4 Plaza of Harmony (RNA) 254 1 Boros Guildgate (GRN) 243 1 Dimir Guildgate (GRN) 245 1 Gruul Guildgate (RNA) 249 1 Rakdos Guildgate (RNA) 255 1 Orzhov Guildgate (RNA) 252 1 Azorius Guildgate (RNA) 243 2 Golgari Guildgate (GRN) 248 2 Izzet Guildgate (GRN) 251 3 Selesnya Guildgate (GRN) 255 4 Simic Guildgate (RNA) 257 3 Archway Angel (RNA) 3 1 Nezahal, Primal Tide (RIX) 45 4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183 2 Chance for Glory (GRN) 159 4 Circuitous Route (GRN) 125 4 Gates Ablaze (RNA) 102 4 Growth Spiral (RNA) 178 3 Guild Summit (GRN) 41 2 Lich’s Mastery (DAR) 98 2 Mastermind’s Acquisition (RIX) 77 2 The Mirari Conjecture (DAR) 57 2 Deafening Clarion (GRN) 165 1 Gift of Paradise (M19) 184 1 Banefire (M19) 130 1 Cleansing Nova (M19) 9 1 Cry of the Carnarium (RNA) 70 1 Duress (XLN) 105 1 In Bolas’s Clutches (DAR) 54 1 Nature’s Spiral (DAR) 175 1 Negate (RIX) 44
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