Karmaggedon Goa Gil Live @ Guadalajara, Mexico 2022 (PART 1)

Primera parte de un pedazo de 1 hora y 10 minutos del live de Goa Gil en este bellísimo festival, hecho con mucho amor y un compromiso increíble a la escena y a la familia raver de Guadalajara y de México por mis buenos amigos de @Lisergica25. Totalmente agradecido por la invitación y, como siempre, ¡Un placer colaborar con gente tan talentosa y devota a su arte! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1 of a 1 hour and 10 mins video of Goa Gil live set in this beautiful festival, made with lots of love and an incredible commitment to the rave scene and family of Guadalajara and Mexico by my good friends from @Lisergica25. Really grateful for the invitation and, as always, a real pleasure to work with such talented people with such devotion to their art. Thanks to @GoaGilOfficial for an out-of-this-world ritual. It was a powerful and special ride to experience! One I will never forget! #rave #psytrance #guadalajara #goagil #trancemusic #psyfamily
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