Забавные разборки бабуинов

Baboon are highly complex and live within a well structured family unit with roles and well, responsibilities. What you see here is a result of politics within the family group that resulted in a bit of a tussle. The larger male here is trying to shield the female from the “attacker“. I am not sure what she did to invite the aggressive reaction. We arrived too late at the scene. The behaviour though during this clip is incredibly interesting though, would you not agree? Next time you are on safari and you come across a troop of baboons, take a little time to watch them. I have no doubt that you’ll spot some fascniating behaviour as you do that. They also make for wonderful photographic opportunities. I captured this action on one of my photographic safaris to South Luangwa, Zambia. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To find me on other social media platforms, please follow the links below. INS
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