Sri Rama Rama Rameti Rame Raame Manorame - Valmiki Ramayana Synopsis - Jai Sri Ram @Jothishi
Greetings from
Rama Rama Rama
Today Sun Enters Karkata ( Cancer ) and it is normally known as the Ramayana Month. Good to pray to Lord Rama and Read Ramayana for the entire month. It is believed that this practise bestows good health, prosperity and blessings of Lord Rama.
There is a small mistake in the Audio of the Shlokha in this Video - Sorry about that - we are working on getting a new audio.
The epic Ramayana ( Traditionally scripted by Rishi Valmiki) can basically be divided into seven parts or kandas: It consists of nearly 24,000 verses (mostly set in the shloka meter), divided into seven Kandas and about 500 sargas.
1) Bal kanda - In this kanda, the birth of Lord Rama and his four brothers is narrated. Their study of various shastras and growth is highlighted.
2) Ayodhya Kand - This is when Lord Rama grew up to be a prince, Sita’s swayambar and breaking Lord Shiva’s bow, marriage of the four brothers to Sita and her sisters. It also includes Dashratha’s decision to declare Lord Rama as the king and Kaikayi sending Lord Rama, along with Sita and Lakshman, to exile.
3) Aranya Kand - It includes the first thirteen years of their exile, Bharat coming to convince Lord Rama to come back, meeting Jatayu, killing Demons, and finally Sita’s abduction.
4) Kishkindha Kand - It includes Lord Rama meeting Hanuman and Sughreev, killing Bali and sending troops in search of Sita.
5) Sundar Kand - This Kand primarily includes the struggles of Lord Hanuman to find Sita, his visit to Lanka, killing Ravana’s younger son and setting Lanka on fire and the search party returning to Kishkindha with the information.
6) Yuddha Kand - It includes Lord Rama’s struggles to reach Lanka and the entire battle between Rama and Ravana. Rescuing Sita and coming back to Ayodhya.
7) Uttar Kand - This includes the crowning of Lord Rama, his life with Sita and his brothers.
Goddess Parvathi asks Lord Shiva, which is the easiest way to recite Vishnu Sahasranama. Shiva advises the Rama Mantra - Sri Rama Rama Rameti sloka which when recited gives the same effect as reciting the whole of Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra.
Sri Rama Rama Rama
Shri Rama Rama Rameti, Rame Rame Manorame;
Sahasrenama tattulyam, Rama Nama Varanane
1: By meditating on “Rama Rama Rama“ (the Name of Rama), my Mind gets absorbed in the Divine Consciousness of Rama, which is Transcendental,
2: The Name of Rama is as Great as the Thousand Names of God (Vishnu Sahasranama-stotra, Uttara-khanda, Padma Purana)
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