Finding Your Roots | Season 8 Trailer

#FindingYourRoots is BACK for another season! Here’s the first look at Season 8, and mark your calendars for the premiere in January 2022, only on PBS. Season 8 will feature ten weeks of debut episodes highlighting the lineage of all-new guest participants who are game-changers in their fields. Guests will include actors #PamelaAdlon, #AmyCarlson, #TonyDanza, #RaúlEsparza and #JohnLeguizamo; television hosts #ErinBurnett and #MarioLopez; fashion journalist #AndréLeonTalley; restaurateur #DavidChang; activist #BrittanyPacknettCunningham; film producers #LeeDaniels and #LenaWaithe; and lastly attorney and academic #AnitaHill. For more information, head to .
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