That Night Evander Holyfield KICKED A GIANT’S ASS! …but After That He Was Vilely Robbed!

In the history of boxing, there have been many examples of unfair robberies of boxers. Even boxing legends are often brazenly robbed and this has not stopped until now. But not all of the fights cause as much emotion and outrage as the fight between Nikolai Valuev and Evander Holyfield. This fight is remembered not only for its spectacle and intrigue, but also for the absurd, brazen decision that cost Holyfield the chance to defeat George Foreman’s unthinkable record. After all, that evening he was not only in amazing shape, but also lost the chance to become the new oldest champion at 46, but also to retire in the category of immortal legends. To understand the scale of the fiasco of this battle, I propose to remember how it all began.
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