VFTB 3/20/22: Dr. Douglas Hamp - Corrupting the Image III

THE EARTH is under imminent threat from a group of hostile extra-dimensionals. Dr. Douglas Hamp, pastor of The Way Congregation in Denver, explains what he means as he joins us to discuss his new book Corrupting the Image III: Singularity, Superhumans, and the Second Coming of Jesus. Doug shares his analysis of end times prophecy and tells us why alien “disclosure” and the transhumanist movement, far from being science fiction, are key factors to fulfilling prophecy along the road to Armageddon. The Hear the Watchmen conference is over, but you can still access Derek’s new presentation “Lu...cifer Isn’t Satan—He Might be Worse.” Other speakers include L. A. Marzulli, Pastor Paul Begley, Jamie Walden, Dr. Michael Lake, Michael Boldea, Pastor Caspar McCloud, Sheila Zilinsky, and Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show in full HD—and you get lifetime access! Save 20% with promo code GILBERT20 at . —— My new book, The Second Coming of Saturn, is now available in pa
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