Видео от Max Broodan

FREE BIOGAS for Heating in Winter - Free Biogas Refilling Machine In our previous Hidden Technology video, we built a biodigester capable of generating enough gas to cook and heat a home using pig droppings or organic waste as raw material. Well, in this new video we have manufactured with a refrigerator motor, an automatic pump for recharging cylinders or commercial gas tanks to be able to recharge them with our own Biogas and to be able to have clean and free energy stored to face the harsh winter cold. . In this video we show how a machine works to recharge biogas for free, which you can u...se to heat your house or cook. This is an efficient way to get energy for your home without spending money. In this video, I’m sharing how to get free biogas to heat your home in winter. By installing a free biogas refilling machine, you can get free biogas to heat your home in winter. If you’re facing the energy crisis in winter and don’t know how to heat your home, watch this video and learn how to get free biogas to heat your home in winter. By installing a free biogas refilling machine, you can get free biogas to heat your home in winter. This will help you save Previous video: How to Make Free Gas with Garbage | Free Gas Butane - Propane | Liberty BioGas SAFETY WARNING: With this video we intend to show how we have managed to obtain Biogas and recharge cylinders, drums or commercial gas tanks totally free, but at no time do we intend to encourage the manipulation of gases, since it is a very dangerous activity. To carry out this invention we have taken all appropriate safety measures to prevent accidents. Even so, we have not taken all the security measures required by law, therefore we do not recommend replicating this invention. We are not responsible for the mishandling of gases by people who wish to replicate this invention, since we warn that it is very dangerous. Misuse or manipulation of gases can cause very serious accidents. Index: 00:00 Introduction 00:23 Security Warning 00:45 Manufacture of the Biogas charger 03:15 Explanation of operation of the pressure switch 06:31 Modification of the non-return gas valve 12:00 Connection of the pressure tube of the pump 12:10 Pump suction pipe connection 12:30 Pressure switch modified to have a Normally Open “NO“ contact 13:15 Device finished 13:34 Gas recharge tests 18:14 Acknowledgments ___________________________________ Materials used for the invention: Refrigerator compressor: You can buy it very cheaply at a junkyard 220l drum: Tap: Filter with regulator: Drum Fittings: Gas valve and tube: Unmodified pressure switch and pressure relief valve: Pneumatic tube and fittings: _____________________________________ Warning: The use, copy, manipulation or broadcast of this video or part of it without the consent of the author is strictly prohibited. This video is protected by copyright. Become a member of this channel to enjoy benefits: 💥 Follow us! 💥 Telegram Private Channel: 💥 Facebook Channel: Business: dakrazychannel@
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