Pathe Election Forum Aka General Election (1945)

Full title reads: “GENERAL ELECTION Pathe Gazette has invited leading political spokesmen to give a brief statement of their parties’ policies. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of this Newsreel“. The Parties Speak - No. 4. - The Rt. Hon. C. R. Attlee -Labour Party“. Various shots of the leader of Labour Party Clement Attlee speaking on the coming Election (natural sound): “The Parliament of 1935 had a big Conservative majority. The policy pursued by the Conservative Government landed this country into war. It was due to the action of the Labour Party that this Conservative Government resigned. Mr Churchill who had opposed his own party formed an all party government which successfully brought us to victory. Now a new Parliament must be elected. The choice is between that same Conservative Party which stands for private enterprise, private profit and private interest and the Labour Party which demands that in peace as in war the interests of the whole people should come b
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