According To Science, This Is How The Human Race Will End

Doomsday predictions have come in many forms over the years. Various cultures, individuals, conspiracy theorist, and cults have all predicted their own version of the human race’s demise. Pop culture has also shown us its various versions of our end. Science fiction disaster movies have a large following and movies like “Deep Impact,“ “2012,“ and “The Day After Tomorrow“ have dramatized catastrophic events from extreme global cooling, large meteors hitting earth, and the Mayan 2012 prediction. But what do real scientists say? We all love a good disaster movie and a hilarious conspiracy theory, but what’s the prediction of our end according to the experts? #Extinction #Humans #Science Nuclear annihilation (on purpose) | 0:00 Nuclear annihilation (on accident) | 1:09 Biological warfare | 2:46 Climate change | 3:47 Global pandemic | 4:58 Ecological collapse | 6:08 Yellowstone explodes | 7:04 Overpopulation | 8:12 Exploding stars | 9:16 Rise o
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