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What better way to beat the summer heat than with delicious watermelons? Wolves shed their insulating undercoats each spring to allow them to withstand the warmer summer weather, but sometimes shedding isn’t enough. We’re always trying to make sure that our ambassador wolves are comfortable we want them to have exciting and fun experiences too! We can accomplish both goals by providing the wolves with enrichment fun activities that will challenge and mentally stimulate them while keeping them cool as well! Nikai, Zephyr, and Alawa are captive-born Canadian/Rocky Mountain gray wolves at the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC), a 501c3 non-profit organization, in South Salem, NY. The siblings are ’ambassador wolves’ at the WCC that help teach the public about wolves and their vital role in the environment. If you want to watch Zephyr, Alawa, Nikai or the WCC’s critically endangered Mexican gray wolves or red wolves in live time, visit our live wolf webcams at If you see something cool, let us know! For more information about wolves and the WCC’s participation in wolf recovery, please visit our website at and follow us on Facebook () and Twitter (), and Instagram ()
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